For the last 10 days, Lucknow has had a very big fair happening. I went twice, once with 3 girlfriends and once with my entire school. I had a great time, did some shopping, rode a (kind of terrifying) ride, and ate some "American style corn" - which is basically steamed corn with lots of spicy masala. I think I am addicted to the corn and the shopping might also be a problem. However, the one ride on the ferris wheel was more than enough to remind me that I don't have a ton of faith in how well things are constructed in India and the thought of riding another makes me mildly naucious.

At the fair they also had people exhibiting how different things are made. One of my favorites was the ladies making a chikkan sari. Chikkan is one of the crafts that Lucknow is famous for and it is very fine needle-point. I put a picture of the ladies making the sari below.

I've also been teaching at a school a few days a week. I am teaching children (between 9 and 11), conversational English. The students know very little English and i find the situation kind of ironic, because my Hindi is not very

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