Saturday, March 31, 2007

Social Butterfly whose wings are melting....

Actually, I am very happy, which I am not sure that the title of the blog conveys, but it did get hot in Lucknow almost overnight (about a week ago). Now the daily high temperature is around 100. So I try to go and do fun things, and then I usually have to go home to lay under my fan in the afternoon and marvel at all the places I can sweat.

But despite the heat, I am having some very nice days. About a week ago, I went to my friends' home to have a late lunch and visit. It was a nice, long afternoon - my friends have two children and we played quite a bit. Below is a picture of their daughter (whose birthday is today) on her dad's motorcycle. We went to their home after she was finished with school, that is why she is wearing the uniform.

The following day, I went to "Amma's" home for dinner. She lives with her husband, her daughter (whose name is Goria), Goria's husband, and Goria's two children. In addition to being quite close with "Amma", Goria and I are also good friends, so we had a really fun time laughing and visiting. Below is a picture of Goria and Amma cooking dinner. In the background is Goria's daughter and a neighbor boy. The neighbor boy had all sorts of questions about America and he asked these questions very very quickly - so he had to repeat them a few times before I could understand them - but he was overjoyed to learn about a new place. t was a fun evening.

As you walk into the neighborhood where Goria lives, there is a mandir (or temple) dedicated to the god Shiva. It seems like many neighborhoods have a mandir or a mosque near the entryway (sometimes both). I put a picture of a part of the shrine near Goria's house and the man is responsible for its upkeep below.

At school, I am still learning how to cook and enjoying my time with the cooks. Below is a picture of me making chutney. Chutney means sauce in Hindustani, but usually refers to a spicy side item that you can eat with just about anything. Below, I am making an am (mango) chutney. The mango used is green, so it tastes bitter. To make the chutney, I grind the green am, some spicy peppers, onion, garlic, and mint. It is really delicious (I like it with vegetables, almost like a salad dressing), but it is hard work in the heat.....

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